Sunday, March 20, 2011

Selah's Room

Oh, how we have been busy preparing for this little peanut to come into the world! Joe and I both have been working on the last couple weekends is her room, and getting it all put together and organized! It's been so fun to plan with a girl! I will say I have become more in love with the color pink...but not so much baby pink, hot pink! It's fun and it's bright and I love those combos for kids rooms. I begged and commisioned my sweet friend, Michelle, to make her curtains and bedding. She kindly said yes, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE how everything turned out! Joe spent a weekend painting her room. He did a really good job, and did it with a loving heart! I love my hubby!! I worked on a special craft to hang on her wall, and have been going nutzo washing and organizing her many clothes. After this week, I think I can say we are pretty much done!! YAY!!!
before the window wall got painted.

window wall with a little sample of the pink!

painted. although the lighting is bad and i don't take the best pictures...the wall is pink NOT red. LOVE THIS FABRIC!

Again bad lighting, but here is her crib against a pretty cream wall. I do have plans to decorate the cream walls more, but this all i got right now. It will have to come later.

The bed skirt made with love by Michelle (as well as the curtains)
Oh, my cute hubby painting his little girls room. LOVE HIM!

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