Monday, March 7, 2011

34 weeks

We are about 6 weeks out til this little butter bean enters our world. Me, Joe and Owen are excited! We cannot wait to welcome Selah into our family. I had a dream the other night that I delivered her and she was only 6 pounds 9 ounces and she had a lot of dark hair like her brother-a very vivid, and specific dream. We shall see if any of that holds true...
Joe and I got to go on a very intentional date night this weekend (probably the last one before the baby is born) He dared me to go out in my pj bottoms-i did not, but we did take a picture!
She is getting bigger in there and my belly is becoming more round. My belly button is kinda starting to pop as well. We will see if it pops out all the way. Yet, another thing that differs from Owen's pregnancy!

I continue to not sleep. I miss sleep. I probably should get used to the fact that I will continue to miss sleep for a long while! =) I pray that Selah will be as good as a sleeper as Owen was. In some ways I feel she probably won't be. If she is anything like she is inside of the womb then, we are probably looking at many sleepless nights.  I'm trying to prepare myself (and Joe) that every baby is different and God gives us all different personalities, and she just may not sleep as well.  A girl could hope, dream and pray for that right? Only time will tell.

We are busy preparing for her!! Joe was beyond amazing this weekend and painted her room. I cannot wait to post pictures, but I want to wait until the room is more complete with the crib up etc. We plan on doing some touch up work on the painting and getting the crib up this week. I have been working on a special little crafty project as well, and hope to complete that this week! Things are coming together, and I feel like I am definitely nesting. I am wanting her room done and my house clean. =) A baby shower and a special nursing class are in the plans for the next two weekends. It's going to go by fast, and she will be here before we know it-I'm so excited!!


  1. Lookin' good friend! That's cool that you had a dream about her, I hope she's a little bigger the 6 lbs 9 oz that's a tiny baby, I forget how big was O?? When is your first exam to check dilation and stuff? I'm so excited for you guys.

  2. O was 7.4lbs...i hope she's bigger too!

    I think my exam for all that stuff is two weeks from now, at 36 weeks??? either that or 38, i will ask tmrw at my 34 wk appt.
