Wednesday, August 24, 2011

4 months of Sweet Selah

Selah turned 4 months old last week. Not much has changed since I last blogged about her turning 3 months, since that post was so late! She continues to eat really well, and is becoming more and more fun! Her personality is blooming as each day passes. She is so smiley. Joe and I just talked about how we think she is more smiley at this stage than Owen ever was. One thing she has started is, rolling from her tummy to back and then back onto tummy. The other morning I laid her on the middle of a blanket and in minutes she was rolling to all over and eventually far off the blanket! I was reminded about how babies become mobile and I am definitely not ready for that...Owen started crawling around 7 months, and well that's not too far from now!! It amazes me how babies accomplish so many big things in their first year-crazy!

She had her 4 month check up and she is 14 pounds 8 ounces and 24.5 inches long. I can't remember her head circumference, but it was perfect! =) She is in the 50th percentile all across the board. Her doctor said we can start cereal, but I think I am going to give it another month...maybe even wait til 6 months. She doesn't seem to need it or "ask" for anything more than milk right now. She is sleeping great, so I don't think she need those extra calories to help her sleep better at night, so I think we are just going to wait. I also I want to get Owen good and settled in school and focus on the food transition with Selah. Her doctor was more than fine with that, she just suggested me keeping up with her 10pm feeding until we do start on the cereal, even though Selah never wakes up for that feeding and sleeps right through it. So, that our plan!

She continues to bring all of us so much joy. She has us all wrapped around her pinky...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A pirate's life for O

Owen is way into imaginary play right now. His newest favorite thing (credit to Jake and the Neverland Pirates) is to be a Pirate. I took him "pirate shopping" a week or so ago, and now he dresses up. He hunts for treasure, which is usually him putting his cars in his Lightning Mcqueen Box tin box thing he has. He drives his boat, which is a laundry basket. He has the "Arghh" and my favorite "Ahoy, Matey!" down. He uses his his telescope to look for dry land. While driving his boat he says that the area rug in the living room is the water, and he can't fall in because there are crocodiles. And, my friend Megan hooked him up with a cool sword to fight off those crocs!

The Captain (according to O) taking a rest in his boat.

Looking for dry land.

We had to pretend the baseball bat was a sword, until he got one. PS don't you think it's funny Charlie insists on being in some pictures!
The boy is cute! He is full of life. Full of joy-most of the time! I love how his little imagination works and how he plays, good and hard. It makes me smile, and a lot of the times laugh to myself at the things he brings up or the things he doesn't think I hear him say while playing. I pray he always plays hard. I pray that his imagination keeps growing and that he is always full of fun and joy.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

3 months

Oh, baby are almost 4 months old here I am updating on all things you are up to at 3 months. It's been a busy month, and you are growing so much!

Selah turned three months old on an airplane. We flew out to Oregon to visit with Joe's family and it just happened be that we were in the air and I told Joe..."she's three months old today!" She did so great on the flights to and from. Nursed and slept pretty much on both flights. She has become so much more animated and loves to smile and squeek and squeal. Her love for her big brother grows stronger every day it seems, and I think the feeling is mutual. She is still nursing 3.5 hours to 4 hours during the day. We finish up our last feeding around 10pm and she was sleeping sound until almost 7am! The last two weeks have been different. She still nurses at 10pm, but she has been waking around 4am and will talk and talk and talk. She never really cries, she is just LOUD and she often wakes everyone up in the house. The first few nights she started this I would go to her because it was new and I thought she may be hungry, but she wasn't ever hungry and just wanted to smile and play! So, I started just letting her work it out and she eventually goes back to sleep until 7. She is reaching out for toys that dangle down, and holds some rattles. She kick kick kicks her little legs when sitting in the bouncy seat, and has started sitting in the excersuacer. She loves looking at all the toys and being able to see the world. She is grabbing our cheeks when we get so close and you can tell she loves her mommy and daddy so much. She has become a bit demanding. Meaning she wants to be held either facing out, or sitting up in our laps. She does really want to see the world!

I am still loving our sweet times when I nurse her, especially the late night feeding when the house is quiet and it's just us. Those time I often spend praying over both of the kids. I have come to really treasure those times. I am trying to savor all these sweet times I have with Selah. Three months have flown by, and the months will continue to fly by. So, I just want to enjoy and be so very grateful for the sweet little blessings God has given me with both my kids.