Sunday, March 20, 2011

Owen talk

The last week or so Owen has been coming up with some funny things, things that he says all on his own and Joe and I have no idea where he gets them from.

The other night while eating dinner, he was finishing his peas and trying to scoop them up with a fork. He told his peas "come here little fella"

I really needed a sweet treat, and Joe was working late. So, Owen and I headed to Chick-fil-a for a milkshake to share-a very rare treat for the boy. While he was taking his turn drinking the shake he said " I don't like that apple in there mommy (he was talking about the cherry) I like shake milks!

This morning Joe said Owen brought down his Superman costume and asked him to put him in it. After he got into his costume, he told Joe " I'm a rescue boy, and Charlie is a rescue dog!" He then went upstairs and played with Charlie for a good long while. When I woke up and saw him in his costume he told me the same thing except he included this time that he helped people!
My lil' rescue boy and his dog!

How do kids come up with these things? All of these little stories made me laugh and made me be amazed by the fact that my little boy is growing up and is becoming bigger. I know three years old is still so little, but some days it seems as if he is so grown up. It makes me sad a lot of the times, but sometimes it is a very fun stage to be in. It's really cool witnessing a little itty bitty person grow into a kid. I'm sure it's really cool watching your kid grow into an adult and all the things they do in that stage. For now I will take where we are at and just continue to laugh and appreciate all the little things Owen is learning and is saying!! =)

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