Sunday, March 20, 2011

down by the river

today was a gorgeous day in atlanta! a day that begged people to be outside and enjoy god's creation. a day that was 82 degrees with NO humidity!!!! me, joe, charlie, and owen got packed up in the car and headed the whole 5 or 6 miles to the river and had a great little family walk and it was wonderful!!! owen enjoyed one of our new gifts-a great new stroller, and he ran some too. in fact he and i both ran (yes i ran in all my almost 36 weeks of pregnancy!) we "raced" owen is very cute and will position his little hands on his knee and say "ready, set, go!" and take off and run as fast as he can-which is pretty fast for his little legs. on our way home i told joe that my love tank is full! my love language is definitely quality time, and my tank was filled with it on this beautiful friday evening.
his favorite little position-hands under his chin. He does this often-especially on the toilet =)

My sweet boy

Racing! Ready Set GO!

1 comment:

  1. I love O's little pose, he is so cute! Good on you for running that is so good for you and getting "things" ready. :) Selah looks like she's grown a bit!!
