Wednesday, February 23, 2011

32 weeks

We are moving right along with this pregnancy. I feel like we have entered the stage where the rest of time will go by slowly. I remember being pregnant with Owen and the last 6 weeks went by so slowly. I am so ready to meet this sweet little girl, and figure out what life with two kids will be like. I know most people reading this might think I'm crazy, and who knows when she's here the reality of having two kids and all the challenges that come along with having a newborn, I may be wanting to put her back in! =)

I am not sleeping well these days AT ALL. Joe and I have noticed some kind of odd pattern with my sleep. I will have one day of really good sound sleep-like not even getting up to pee, which is amazing! then the next night i sleep, but not as well. the next night i am up for hours tossing and turning, trying to find the most comfortable position. My ribs will hurt if I sleep too long on one side, and then I will flip over and then my other set of ribs will hurt. If I happen to fall onto my back I wake up because I can't breathe...Then the cycle will start all over. I wonder if this is how this little lady will sleep when she is out of the womb??? My energy level is slowing down. I feel as if up until this point my energy has been good. I think the increasing weight and being so close to delivery just wears me out. Going up and down the stairs all day long, chasing Owen around, and cleaning have become more challenging.

Selah is a mover and shaker. This girl is constantly moving. I often feel her even when I'm walking around. I feel her all hours of the day, but she is the most active at night when Joe and I are laying in bed. We watch her make my belly shift, and watch her kick and punch! Joe made the comment the other night that she moves more than Owen ever did. Which is SO true!

We are preparing for her arrival a little more each day. My aunt cam over last weekend and we tackled cleaning and organizing her bedroom. She also helped me with some of my nesting issues. She was so sweet and organized three of our messy closets. She helped with laundry and even mopped my wood floors! Next weekend Joe plans on painting the baby's room. My friend, Michelle, is making her curtains, bed skirt and a crib sheet! She's almost done and I can't wait to see it!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait till she gets here! She is definitely preparing you for her special sleep pattern, that's a least what it was like for me with Isaac.
