Sunday, April 3, 2011

38 weeks

I wanted to do a little "photo shoot" and get some cute pics of Owen and I with my very pregnant belly, but Owen was very wiggly and not very patient. I am happy with the few we got. They feel very organic and share they craziness of what it's like to live with Owen sometimes! =) He is a very active little guy, and I love it! I love how he loves kissing his sister in the belly. Hope he loves kissing her more outside of the belly...

Went to the doctor for my weekly check up and I have made some progress since my last visit. I am now 2 centimeters dilated, 80% effaced and the baby's head is in in -2 station. She is doing everything she is supposed to to get ready to come! I'm feeling it too. I am having some little contraction, and one notable contraction that was a bit painful. I am feeling very waddily and slow. I'm ready! Come on baby girl!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are beautiful friend! I can't wait to see Selah and eventually meet her in person.
