Monday, December 13, 2010

Mary and the Angel

One of the highlights of the weekend was Owen telling me all about Mary and The Angel. Owen and I were getting dressed at my Aunt Leslie's house and he randomly told me, that "Angel came and Mary was scared, mommy." I was shocked that this is what his little mind was thinking about and that he is actually retaining what we are reading in the Bible! I went on to explain that yes and Angel did come to tell Mary she was going to have a baby, then Owen told me his name was going to be Jesus. We had a real conversation about Jesus being born in a stable with the donkeys and cows (Owen threw in that Jesus slept with the kitties-there is a cat in his Children's Bible that is looking at baby Jesus in the manger)

It warmed my heart that he is understanding and articulating what we have been teaching him! It was a good moment, one that I will cherish!


  1. I am constantly blown away by what my boys remember/retain. They really are listening! And most of the time that is good.

  2. Owen is very blessed to have a mommy and daddy that love him so much that they are teaching him about Jesus.
